The overall aim of this initial API release is to allow easy storage of some key metrics for user experience in Shiny applications and Markdown documents. For example, many R dashboard packages allow creation of profile pages, like buttons, follow buttons. But none of those packages offer easy ways to make those features functional.
This domain aims to accomplish those initial goals of bringing a secure lightweight database for metrics storage and retrieval. The initial features include the following -
- Integration for Like/Unlike buttons
- Integration for Follow/Unfollow buttons
- Integration of counts for App and Profile views
Example simple usage: Like, Follow and tracking of views
library(shiny) library(shinyStorePlus) ui = fluidPage( titlePanel("Simplified shiny app storage of views, likes and followers"), initStore("all",rpkg.api.key = "c20c5eead7714c119dd3f20bd249a388e72db2aa0f9305d0380b683a37c5296a"), h2("Save App Views"),hr(), viewsBox("viewsshow","loading views..."), h2("Save App Likes, and allow user to Like!"),hr(), lfButton("liket",suffix="likes"), h2("Save App Followers, and allow user to Follow!"),hr(), lfButton("followt",suffix="followers"), p(p("Like or Follow and Refresh the page - the values are saved and the views are incremented.")) ) server = function(input, output, session) { # set up views, likes and follows, leave as NULL if you don't need tracking for either # in this case, we leave followID as NULL since we don't need to use that setupRPKG(viewsID = "viewsshow", likesID = "liket", followID = "followt") } shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server, options = list(launch.browser = TRUE,shiny.port =7177))